Clinical Cases
Clinical Cases

Clinical Cases

In this section you can find pictures, videos and articles which refer to the clinical records related to the authors' bovine herds.
You can find both individual and more animals or even herd-related cases.
Regarding the material under the title Clinical Cases (series of pictures and videos) we choose as a title the phrases the breeder uses to ask for out intervention, describing the symptoms showed by the animals. Therefore, we won't reveal the possible pathology; this will allow us to describe a diagnostic path, underlining for each case the most important phases, necessary to reach the definitive o presumptive diagnosis and, obviously, the prognosis.

Digestive system
Lymphatic and circulatory system
Locomotor System
Urinary System
Toxicological disorders
Clinical Cases
Skin and subcutaneous connective tissue
Infectious diseases
Neonatal pathologies
Umbilical pathologies
Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
Metabolic disorders
Casi clinici
Sistema nervoso centrale
Paralisi del plesso brachiale
Apparato locomotore
Apparato digerente
Apparato respiratorio
Apparato urinario
Avvelenamenti - Intossicazioni
Enteriti neonatali
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Squilibri metabolici
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Esami diagnostici complementari
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Content related to the resulting surgical clinical records and the surgical operations executed on-field.

Clinical Cases

Content related to single animal and herd clinical cases

Milk Quality - Mastitis

Specific content related to Milk Quality

Reproduction - Gynecology

Content related to reproductive pathologies and fertility

Herd Management

Content related to the animal health management of the bovine farms, the herd-related problems and pathologies.

Anatom-pathological findings

Anatom-pathological findings spotted during autopsies or surgical operations.

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